Eternity and Infinity, Part 3

Eternity and Infinity, Part 3 For God so loved the world that (God) gave (God’s) only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life. John 3:16 (NRSV) Just as the concepts of infinity and eternity are poorly understood and beyond concrete description, so the concept of eternal … Continue reading Eternity and Infinity, Part 3

Eternity and Infinity, Part 2

Eternity and Infinity, Part 2  "We say God is eternal, but we don’t know what that means.”[1] James Finley Last week I proposed that eternity runs perpendicular to the three-dimensional, space-time continuum that we experience in our lives. As such, eternity is not a continuation of time as we know it, but a depth of … Continue reading Eternity and Infinity, Part 2

Eternity and Infinity

Eternity and Infinity  "…eternal life is the realization that the present is the only reality, and that past and future can be distinguished from it in a conventional sense alone. The moment is the “door of heaven”..."[1] Alan Watts The terms eternity and infinity are sometimes used synonymously. They represent concepts that are beyond quantification, … Continue reading Eternity and Infinity